Saturday, August 15, 2009

A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.
Proverbs 25:11

This has always been one of my favorite scriptures. It says so much about the power of our words to bring life or death to a situation. As I sat here this beautiful Saturday afternoon I read it again and thought I would share a few brief thoughts that came to mind...hope it encourages, empowers or inspires you a bit.

When we speak we must speak words that are first and foremost suitable and timely for the moment. It is in remembering this that our words become valuable, desirable and accessible to us and or others we are speaking to.

When something has value it becomes an added asset to our lives. Assets are those things that we now can use as a resource for our lives and they can often give us an advantage. Michael Jordan was definitely an asset to the Chicago Bulls all those years he played for them. He was a resource that gave them a definite advantage especially in the crucial moments of the game. He always seemed to be able to make the tough shot or block. The timely truth that comes into our lives can become our own Michael Jordon.

When something is valuable it also is desirable. No one cares if you throw away a paper plate; it has no real value to it. There is no real loss if it goes missing from our lives. Paper plates are easily replaced. Now if you add the authentic signature of a major sports star to that same paper plate...the story changes. We have instantly added not only value to it but we have made it desirable. Our son had the opportunity to meet Deion Sanders a few years back. Stephen already had a rookie year football card of Deion which has some small value to it. During one of their times together Deion signed the rookie card. Guess what...the value of that rookie card just increased but more than that so did it's desirability. Now all the local sports colletors were interested. Value always adds desirability.

Remember that words are like vehicles. They carry something into the life of the hearer. The hearer then has the ability to reject or receive what the words have brought. If I have spoken timely suitable words they are valuable and therefore now desirable which means the hearer should want to receive and not reject the truth, wisdom or encouragement spoken. Once it is received it is now acessible and can easily be used or applied into a life.

Always be aware of your words. Our ability to communicate is a wonderful God-given gift. The root of the word communication is commune. When we communicate we are in essence communing with each other and the hope and purpose of communion is to bring us together, to strengthen us, to bring us into a common union. When we speak suitable, timely communication that is what will result.

Big hugs & remember you are awesome in every way!

Sis. Kathi xoxo

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