Monday, November 30, 2009
In October I introduced our Her Hands project, The A21 Campaign, to the church. We are so excited to be partnering with them by raising funds to help provide restoration to women who are rescued from human trafficking and the sex trade.
My heart is stirred when I hear that God's beautiful women, created in His likeness and with His purpose, are being devalued and held captive. Even if one woman is not free to know and worship Him it is NOT okay.
The A21 Campaign is based in Greece a hub for human trafficking in Europe and the Baltic region. They have gained favor with local police departments and government agencies and offices and are often among the first to be called when women have been rescued through sting operations. A21 takes these beautiful but hurting women and helps put them on a road to recovery and restoration. They give them medical treatment, legal counsel, psychological services, provide them with a safe place to live, clothe and feed them. Most of these women have had no contact with their families or the real world for large lengths of time. Their families may even think they are dead. A21 sets about helping them to establish legal identity again and make contact with their families.
The hearts of the amazing women of Cornerstone have been stirred as well. They are looking at what God has placed in their hands - what do they have or what can they do to raise extra cash to sow into The A21 Campaign. They are hosting parties, organizing Stiletto Walks, bake sales, cleaning houses for the holidays, running marathons and much more. I am so proud and thrilled to see them rise to the occasion. Each one of us does what we can do and when we put it all together it becomes a very BIG REACH that will help to set women free.
Here's something exciting...the strong men of the house are joining our efforts too. Love that!!
As we enter into the Christmas season let's remember the reason we celebrate. God the Father sent Jesus His son as a gift to us. A gift that would make way for our complete freedom. Freedom to worship, freedom to know Him personally, freedom to enjoy all that the Kingdom of God has to offer. We have an opportunity to provide a safe place of natural freedom for one of God's most beautiful creations...His girls! In opening that door of freedom to them we also open the door of opportunity for them to experience the ultimate freedom only found in Christ.
Hey girls...maybe Christmas dinner ought to be provided for a small fee this year...all proceeds going to The A21 Campaign of course. Smile!!
For more information on how you can be apart of our BIG REACH visit our website.
Our hands together really can change the world!
Merry Christmas to all of you!!
Living & loving,
Sis. Kathi
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Enjoy the Journey!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Proverbs 25:11
This has always been one of my favorite scriptures. It says so much about the power of our words to bring life or death to a situation. As I sat here this beautiful Saturday afternoon I read it again and thought I would share a few brief thoughts that came to mind...hope it encourages, empowers or inspires you a bit.
When we speak we must speak words that are first and foremost suitable and timely for the moment. It is in remembering this that our words become valuable, desirable and accessible to us and or others we are speaking to.
When something has value it becomes an added asset to our lives. Assets are those things that we now can use as a resource for our lives and they can often give us an advantage. Michael Jordan was definitely an asset to the Chicago Bulls all those years he played for them. He was a resource that gave them a definite advantage especially in the crucial moments of the game. He always seemed to be able to make the tough shot or block. The timely truth that comes into our lives can become our own Michael Jordon.
When something is valuable it also is desirable. No one cares if you throw away a paper plate; it has no real value to it. There is no real loss if it goes missing from our lives. Paper plates are easily replaced. Now if you add the authentic signature of a major sports star to that same paper plate...the story changes. We have instantly added not only value to it but we have made it desirable. Our son had the opportunity to meet Deion Sanders a few years back. Stephen already had a rookie year football card of Deion which has some small value to it. During one of their times together Deion signed the rookie card. Guess what...the value of that rookie card just increased but more than that so did it's desirability. Now all the local sports colletors were interested. Value always adds desirability.
Remember that words are like vehicles. They carry something into the life of the hearer. The hearer then has the ability to reject or receive what the words have brought. If I have spoken timely suitable words they are valuable and therefore now desirable which means the hearer should want to receive and not reject the truth, wisdom or encouragement spoken. Once it is received it is now acessible and can easily be used or applied into a life.
Always be aware of your words. Our ability to communicate is a wonderful God-given gift. The root of the word communication is commune. When we communicate we are in essence communing with each other and the hope and purpose of communion is to bring us together, to strengthen us, to bring us into a common union. When we speak suitable, timely communication that is what will result.
Big hugs & remember you are awesome in every way!
Sis. Kathi xoxo
Monday, June 8, 2009
The Upgrade
Upgrading always brings those pirate growls I experienced with my phone upgrade. Why? Because we get set in our ways of doing and thinking. Often we move through life on autopilot. Being forced into something new disrupts this and causes frustration. Frustration is simple being out of sync with where we are and where we want to be or what we want to be doing. Just like with my phone, I wanted to just simply do something I'd always done with my old phone...make a call. Problem was not that I didn't know how to dial a number and push the little green button - the problem was that the new phone has one of those touch screens which I couldn't seem to get the hang of and the fact that all of my information was not transferred yet. So something as easy as making a call now became a project...frustration. I wanted to be able to do what I always had done with the same amount of ease but change was preventing me.
Change requires us to gain more knowledge and understanding too. Every time I set out to learn something new my brain cells are challenged - especially with new technology gadgets. It feels like my brain is having to be upgraded as well and, in a sense, I suppose it is. I have to push past my "oh who cares anyway" feelings and "I don't think I can learn or understand this" thoughts. Whenever God is taking us to a new level in Him the old has to make way for the new. As scripture tells us: can't put new wine into old wine skins. New information and understanding is not simply assimilated it is upgraded. It changes.
Going through this process is downright inconvenient and uncomfortable at times. It becomes inconvenient when our old ways convene with the new ways. It causes us to begin to question whether all this change is necessary. What was wrong with the old anyway? It was working wasn't it? Doubts surface as to whether or not we were focused on the right thing to change. Are we really hearing the Holy Spirit accurately? As with my phone I really did start thinking, "Why did I need this Blackberry thing anyway? I could have just gotten another phone like the one I had and avoided all of this to begin with." The temporary inconveniences of the upgrade were messing with my ability to I thought.
The funny thing is that here I am just one short month later and I'm back to dialing, texting, twittering, facebooking, emailing and more all from my sweet new phone. Ask me now if I like the upgrade? My answer is no longer a hesitant yes is a confident YES. This is the same phone I was growling at...remember? The upgrade really was worth it. It enables me to do more and do it more easily and quickly than with the old phone. I'm still discovering all of its possibilities.
I know upgrading a phone is a lot simpler change than most we have to go through but still the principle applies. Given time, a focused heart and determination, all that God leads us through will result in increase in our lives. As uncomfortable, inconvenient and challenging as the process may be it will result in greater fruitfulness and a deeper relationship with God.
Living & Loving,
PS FYI - if I'd wanted to I could have updated this blog from my new sweet upgrade phone...see how cool is that? Couldn't do that with the old one. :o)
Friday, May 8, 2009
So far this has been my experience with this upgrade/change...
- Makes me growl…a lot! Sounds quite similar to those of a pirate...aarrhhh
- Phone upgrade = brain upgrade Is this possible?
- Maybe I could bribe a friend or hire someone to handle all CHANGE – yes, seriously considering this one.
- Inconvenience overload. Definition: the convening of my desire to get things done (schedule a mtg/appt, text, IM, Twitter, Facebook, make a doggone simple phone call, etc.) & my “upgrade” phone’s desire to prevent that
- Have sudden renewed attachment to my old phone - Dear sweet Treo: Why was your lack of memory w/resulting slowness such a big deal anyway – I just needed more patience. Clearly patience was what I should have been focused on instead of “upgrading”. Right?
- Can’t find time to finish set-up & get all info transferred to “upgrade” so I am now carrying both the old & the “upgrade” Like my purse isn’t heavy enough & now must remember to charge two things – might as well throw the ipod in there & make it 3 things…oh yea, and the laptop. Did I remember to buy batteries for…sorry mind wandering for a moment.
There’s sure to be a point somewhere in my ramblings…check back soon I’m sure I will sort it all out! In the meantime…SMILE!
Living & Loving,
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Wisdom Pt. 2
Pr. 8:6 KJV Hear; for I will speak of excellent things…
NIV Listen, for I have worthy things to say…
Wisdom speaks only what is worth saying. The words that come from our mouths coupled with our actions must have worth or value attached to them. When something has worth it is valuable and therefore desirable. If we speak or act without Wisdom we are wasting our time and energies. No one will desire to hear or be the recipient of our efforts. Ask yourself before you begin speaking, does what I’m getting ready to say have value? Am I saying it in such a way that it is desirable or does it communicate something I don’t mean it to like judgment or criticism?
KJV …and the opening of my lips shall be right things.
NIV …I open my lips to speak what is right.
When Wisdom speaks she is never unfair. The word right is referring to those things that are just, fair, level, and equitable. This means when Wisdom speaks she speaks not from her own biases or opinions but from God’s heart. For us this means we have to lay our carnal opinions, based in our own experiences and prejudices, aside and speak only those things that line up with the Word of God – God’s heart to us. In the book of Matthew Jesus reminds us to seek His Kingdom and righteousness first. The word righteousness finds it roots in the meaning of justice, what is fair and equitable. With this in mind we are to put our own ideas of what is fair, what we think we or others deserve aside. Our opinion or judgement of people or situations is not what's important. What is important is what God's view is, what His Word says. It reminds us once again of the importance of allowing the Word of God to renew our minds (Romans 12:2).
Pr. 8:7 KJV For my mouth shall speak truth…
NIV My mouth speaks what is true…
Faithfulness and reliability walk hand in hand with Wisdom. When wisdom speaks we can count on those words to have validity to them and to be trustworthy in every circumstance. Speaking and acting truthfully does not just have to do with not telling lies. It has to do with speaking only those things that have consistency and stability attached to them. Actually, reliability and stability are inherent in truth. When we stop to think about this it should change what comes out of our mouths. People need to know that: 1. We are people of our word. That we mean what we say, say what we mean and are willing to back it all up with our actions. 2. People need to hear only words that are faithful. One of the inate elements of truth is that it works everywhere, with every person and in every circumstance. Truth is not relative and neither can the wisdom that flows through our life be. We must be relative people to reach our world but the wisdom we live by cannot change to fit our world or for convenience sake. We adapt to truth, it does not adapt to us.
I challenge you to do what I’ve done with these couple of verses. Continue with Proverbs 8 stopping to ponder each verse and allowing the Holy Spirit to enlighten your understanding. When you are done you will have a good picture of just how Wisdom speaks and behaves. The next time you find yourself in the middle of an unwise dissertation instead of trying to save face or merely sound wise, close your mouth, consider the situation (wisdom is prudent or circumspect Pr. 8:12) and listen for Wisdom to speak. Say or do only what she would.
Listen, because I have heard Wisdom speak to me, I truly know nothing is impossible with God. Really! My mother, the wisest woman I know, reprimanded me over and over as a young girl with “Just because something pops into your head does not mean it should come out of your mouth.” Guess what Mom? I think I finally got it. The Proverbs 31 woman can truly live and breathe in us!
Until next time…hugs to each of you!
Monday, April 27, 2009
What is Wisdom? Pt. 1
5 Get wisdom, get understanding;
6 Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you;
7 Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom.
8 Esteem her, and she will exalt you;
9 She will set a garland of grace on your head
That miraculous Proverbs 31 woman “openeth her mouth with wisdom” – she openeth? Really? You mean rather than stumbling onto a word of wisdom as she rattles off twenty or so of her thirty thousand words a day, she actually starts off with or opens her mouth first with wisdom? Really? No kidding, it’s possible?
Ever found yourself in the middle of lecturing someone and realize you aren’t really being wise about it all but you’re so far in now you feel to save face you have to pursue the current course? I hate it when that happens! When I find myself in these predicaments I’m always quickly reminded that this wonderful woman so beautifully portrayed for us in Proverbs 31 is able to start off speaking with wisdom (Pr. 31:26). Would someone please tell me how she does that…please? Well here are at least some thoughts to consider…
Let’s start by looking a little more closely at Proverbs 4:9 in particular.
“She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace;
a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee.”
The word ornament here means something attached and is rooted in a word that means to twine together, to unite, to remain, and to join oneself to. What the words are really saying to us is that what Wisdom wants to give us is not something to wear or hang on our lives like a Christmas tree ornament; it is something that has to become intertwined, connected and joined to us in such a way that it remains. Wisdom wants to place on our heads – where you think, reason, formulate your thoughts; the summit of your carnal nature – something permanent that reflects the graciousness of God. The wisdom of God has to become so much a part of who we are that it is first nature to us not an afterthought.
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Big Wide World of Blogging
Arise, shine for YOUR light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon YOU. Isaiah 60:1
Arise...get up from your sedentary place, a place of limitations, a place where you can only reach so far and have access to only those things that are within your reach
It is easier to stay seated - Why?
- you don't have to feel, carry or bear your full weight
- it's easier to maintain your balance, to stay steady
- therefore you never experience full responsibility for you & the anointing God has given you
- we have seating options: rocking chair (simulates movement, motion, accomplishment but never acutally moves), big overstuffed chair (cozy in, secure and warm, feel like you can hide from the real issues of life), recliner (take your shoes off, prop you feet up, stay awhile, take a nap after all you deserve it, you are entitled to that kind of luxury after all you've had to put up with - crazy people, tough past, etc. - now you can just relax and blame everyone else for you lack)
I know I'm taking a bit of liberty here but aren't these all examples of why we stay still and don't step out in faith to go after what God has called us to? We are called to be light; to bring illumination to the dark places of this world. The book of Matthew tells us that we can't hide that light but must put it out on display where it provides illumination. In other words use the light for what it was intended for...purposed for.
Arise, get up, shine. The glory of the Lord is now shining on you, His glory is being reflected through you and it is personal. When His glory shines through you it makes a unique ray. Your light has the ability to reach into places that someone else's might not. Direct your light toward purpose.
In Genesis 13 Abram and Lot separated. Lot chose what he thought was the best of the land. Abram went the opposite direction. God spoke to Abram and said, "Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north, south, east and west. All the land you see I give to you...ARISE, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you. So Abram MOVED...
God had A LAND for Abram and he has A LAND for you. Arise, start walking every inch of the land He has given you! The people of that land are waiting for you!
Loving and Living,