Monday, March 8, 2010

Do The Thing You Cannot Do!

"You gain strength, experience and confidence by every
experience where you really stop to look fear in the face.
You must do the thing you cannot do."
Eleanor Roosevelt

We were not created to live in fear; we were created to overcome it! What an empowering principle...God created us with the capacity to face our fears and overcome them. We all have secret there. And our fears are as unique as we are. What one person fears another doesn't give a second thought to. Our fears can be real or perceived, tangible or intangible. They can be fears that are a result of past experiences or that have been imposed on us by others. What we fear or how we arrived at them is not really that important. The point is are we working to overcome them or are we allowing our fears to stop us, to immobilize us? Fear, in both great and small in form, has the inherent ability to make us believe that we CAN NOT. Nothing could be further from the truth. We were created to overcome!

God can do anything, you know—
far more than you could ever imagine or
guess or request in your wildest dreams!
He does it not by pushing us around but
by working within us, his Spirit
deeply and gently within us.
Ephesian 3:20 (MSG)

I think we often find it easy to believe that God CAN. What is more difficult for us is our ability to believe that we CAN. Especially with those fears that are intangible in nature. Ephesians 3:20 tells us that God can do anything but how amazing to read that the way He does the anything, above our wildest dreams is by working within us. So ultimately if we believe that God CAN then we must also believe that we CAN. Here's why...because it's not just us working anyway. It is His Spirit at work within us. The more we learn to place our complete trust in God the more we open ourselves to the working of the Holy Spirit in us and through us.

Our fears are overcome when we choose to stand, confront them and allow the Spirit of God to work within us. Romans 8:14-16 tells us that only when we forget that we are sons and daughters of God does the bondage of fear have the ability to hold onto us again. We become slaves to fear, slaves to the CAN NOTS of our lives. When we actively seek to live a Spirit led life the Spirit of God connects with and infuses our own spirit to reassure us that we are not walking this life alone but we have all of heaven working in our behalf. We are empowered to overcome every fear that would attempt to stop us from walking out the plans of God for our life. Psalm 23:4 reminds us that even when we are walking through places where fear lives - dark valleys - that God is with us.

Be encouraged today! There is no fear, no obstacle or roadblock that can stop you. With each conquered fear our faith is also increased, your journey grows stronger and you realize the depth of God's love for you in greater degrees.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
II Timothy 1:7

God has given you all that you need to overcome so until next fearlessly! You were created for it!
