Hello Loves! Here are the rest of my thoughts on wisdom...for now at least. Be inspired!
Okay, we know wisdom is calling out to us, reaching toward us to help us in our everyday lives. I think the next question then becomes how do we know when it’s Wisdom speaking and not some other voice? We have to learn to recognize what Wisdom sounds like. What does she say? Continuing in Proverbs 8 here are a few of Wisdom’s sounds:
Pr. 8:6 KJV Hear; for I will speak of excellent things…
NIV Listen, for I have worthy things to say…
Wisdom speaks only what is worth saying. The words that come from our mouths coupled with our actions must have worth or value attached to them. When something has worth it is valuable and therefore desirable. If we speak or act without Wisdom we are wasting our time and energies. No one will desire to hear or be the recipient of our efforts. Ask yourself before you begin speaking, does what I’m getting ready to say have value? Am I saying it in such a way that it is desirable or does it communicate something I don’t mean it to like judgment or criticism?
KJV …and the opening of my lips shall be right things.
NIV …I open my lips to speak what is right.
When Wisdom speaks she is never unfair. The word right is referring to those things that are just, fair, level, and equitable. This means when Wisdom speaks she speaks not from her own biases or opinions but from God’s heart. For us this means we have to lay our carnal opinions, based in our own experiences and prejudices, aside and speak only those things that line up with the Word of God – God’s heart to us. In the book of Matthew Jesus reminds us to seek His Kingdom and righteousness first. The word righteousness finds it roots in the meaning of justice, what is fair and equitable. With this in mind we are to put our own ideas of what is fair, what we think we or others deserve aside. Our opinion or judgement of people or situations is not what's important. What is important is what God's view is, what His Word says. It reminds us once again of the importance of allowing the Word of God to renew our minds (Romans 12:2).
Pr. 8:7 KJV For my mouth shall speak truth…
NIV My mouth speaks what is true…
Faithfulness and reliability walk hand in hand with Wisdom. When wisdom speaks we can count on those words to have validity to them and to be trustworthy in every circumstance. Speaking and acting truthfully does not just have to do with not telling lies. It has to do with speaking only those things that have consistency and stability attached to them. Actually, reliability and stability are inherent in truth. When we stop to think about this it should change what comes out of our mouths. People need to know that: 1. We are people of our word. That we mean what we say, say what we mean and are willing to back it all up with our actions. 2. People need to hear only words that are faithful. One of the inate elements of truth is that it works everywhere, with every person and in every circumstance. Truth is not relative and neither can the wisdom that flows through our life be. We must be relative people to reach our world but the wisdom we live by cannot change to fit our world or for convenience sake. We adapt to truth, it does not adapt to us.
I challenge you to do what I’ve done with these couple of verses. Continue with Proverbs 8 stopping to ponder each verse and allowing the Holy Spirit to enlighten your understanding. When you are done you will have a good picture of just how Wisdom speaks and behaves. The next time you find yourself in the middle of an unwise dissertation instead of trying to save face or merely sound wise, close your mouth, consider the situation (wisdom is prudent or circumspect Pr. 8:12) and listen for Wisdom to speak. Say or do only what she would.
Listen, because I have heard Wisdom speak to me, I truly know nothing is impossible with God. Really! My mother, the wisest woman I know, reprimanded me over and over as a young girl with “Just because something pops into your head does not mean it should come out of your mouth.” Guess what Mom? I think I finally got it. The Proverbs 31 woman can truly live and breathe in us!
Until next time…hugs to each of you!